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Google Adds RSS Feeds
Posted Aug 9, 2005 Print Version     Page 1of 1

Google has added a new feature to Google News that enables users to receive Google News results as RSS or Atom feeds in their feed reader of choice. With RSS and Atom feeds, users can view updates from Google News, as well as other news Web sites they're interested in, in one location, designed to make it easier to keep up on breaking news from multiple sources. When a user has a feed reader installed, clicking on either of these links will generate a feed of current stories related to the page they're looking at. In addition, many feed readers can also auto-detect the feed and import it into the reader automatically. Google News feeds are similar to Google Alerts whereby readers receive headlines and teasers with a link to click through directly to the news source to read the full story.

Users can access Google News feeds four different ways:

  • Google News section feeds--users can get a feed for any Google News section by clicking on a feed link while they're on that page. If they're on the Business page, for instance, they'll get a feed of business news.
  • Google News search results feeds--users can also get a feed for any search they do on Google News by clicking on the Atom or RSS link on the left-hand side of their search results page and pasting the resulting URL into their feed reader.
  • Customized news feeds--users can create a feed of a customized news page (in English), by creating a customized news page, clicking on the Atom or RSS link, and pasting the resulting URL into their feed reader.
  • News feeds on a Google personalized home page--users can add a Google News feed to their Google personalized home page by clicking Add Content, then Create a Section, then pasting the feed URL into the empty field.


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