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dtSearch Announces New Product Line Version
Posted Jan 28, 2005 Print Version     Page 1of 1

dtSearch Corp., a supplier of enterprise, end-user, and developer text retrieval software, has announced Version 6.5 of its dtSearch product line. dtSearch products are designed to search gigabytes of text across a desktop, network, Internet, or Intranet. dtSearch products also serve as tools to aid in publishing large document collections to Web sites or to CD/DVD, with instant text searching. All dtSearch products share the same core search and display functionality, including: over two dozen indexed, unindexed, full-text, and fielded data search options; display of HTML, XML, and PDF files with highlighted hits and embedded images, links, and formatting intact; and built-in HTML converters for display of word processor, database, spreadsheet, email, ZIP, Unicode, etc. files, with highlighted hits. The new version is designed to enhance the HTML file converters for Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and also provide much faster indexing of Outlook message stores and the full text of email attachments (with highlighted hits, etc.). Finally, the new release includes a new feature primarily for forensic usage of the dtSearch product line.

dtSearch Web with Spider uses a wizard-based setup to publish a large volume of searchable content to an Internet or Intranet site. The Spider adds remote Web site content to a locally searchable Web database. The Spider can follow links vertically within a URL, or horizontally across URLs, to any specified level of depth. The Spider supports public sites, secure content HTTPS sites, password-accessible sites, dynamic-content ASP/ASP.NET code, and forms-based authentication.

dtSearch Publish can quickly publish an instantly searchable document collection to CD or DVD, or mirror an existing Web site on CD or DVD. dtSearch Publish generates CD/DVDs that contain a version of dtSearch Web. Because dtSearch Publish uses dtSearch Web, the same improvements in MS Office format displays that apply to dtSearch Web also apply to dtSearch Publish.

dtSearch Desktop with Spider searches popular file types on a PC. dtSearch Network with Spider searches across a network, running in a client/server capacity. In both products, the spider can add Web-based content to a local search, with integrated results viewing (including highlighted hits). In addition to the improved display of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents, the new approach to Outlook files is expected to give both products a speed boost in indexing Outlook message stores and attachments.

The dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine lets developers add dtSearch's file format support and searching to Web-based and other applications. The dtSearch Engine comes in both a Linux version and a Win & .NET version (including a native .NET API). The dtSearch Engine support SQL, Delphi, Java, C++, C++.NET, C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET. The new version offers improvements to the HTML converters included with the dtSearch Engine with regard to handling of MS Office file types.

The dtSearch product line offers over two dozen indexed, unindexed, fielded, and full-text search options, including: fuzziness adjustable from 0 to 10 (to sift through typographical and spelling errors), synonym/concept/thesaurus, boolean (and/or/not), natural language relevancy ranking (by hit term frequency, density and rarity), positional scoring ranking, phrase, phonic, wildcard, bilateral proximity, directed proximity, stemming, numeric range, user-defined variable term weighting, and international language support through Unicode.

Pricing is $199 for dtSearch Desktop with Spider, from $800 for dtSearch Network with Spider, from $999 for dtSearch Web with Spider, and from $2,500 for dtSearch Publish. dtSearch offers a variety of royalty-based and royalty-free pricing options for the dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine for Win & .NET and Linux.

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