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Kaim Associates, Inc., Releases Taxonomy Server V1.0
Posted Nov 7, 2003 Print Version     Page 1of 1

Kaim Associates has released v1.0 of the Kaim Taxonomy Server (KaTS) that is intended to enable biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and healthcare organizations to create targeted run-time taxonomies using controlled medical vocabularies such as MeSH, MedDRA, UMLS, SNOMED CT, or proprietary vocabularies.

KaTS is designed to provide enhanced searching of the text of a corporate intranet, Web site, or file system. KaTS uses "spider" technology to extract the complete text of these sources into a text-searchable database. This database enables the creation of a taxonomy of the source files, which enhances searching by enabling users to find all occurrences, not only of any term or phrase in the source files, but also of synonyms and narrower terms. This is accomplished by cross-checking terms from the source files against entries in selected controlled medical vocabularies (CMVs) and extracting those that match into a "targeted" thesaurus.


The Kaim Taxonomy Server (KaTS) has been developed using modular components to make it configurable and customizable, capable of incorporating locally-developed proprietary vocabularies, integrating with existing search engines, or running as a departmental implementation within pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations that need enhanced search capabilities. The browser-based interface includes both controlled vocabulary and source data selection options. Other features include the ability to show hit counts, browse the taxonomy for narrower and synonymous terms, and create custom reports showing commonly used synonyms across a company's intranet or within a department.


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