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FBI Selects Convera for Investigative Data Warehouse
Posted Oct 28, 2003 Print Version     Page 1of 1

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has selected Convera's RetrievalWare as a search and categorization platform within the Agency's new Investigative Data Warehouse. The initial value of the deployment of Convera's software is approximately $1.5 million.

After the events of September 11th, the FBI created a Secure Collaborative Operational Prototype Environment (SCOPE) with a counter-terrorism and intelligence data repository. RetrievalWare was selected by the FBI for the repository in an effort to improve the sharing of intelligence information and collaboration across multiple government agencies and enhance the government's ability to prevent terrorist attacks.  RetrievalWare will work with other tools to help FBI analysts identify intelligence within the massive information repository that they use to drive investigative and intelligence activities. Specific RetrievalWare capabilities required by the FBI for the project include security options, real-time message profiling, breadth of language support, multimedia search, scalability, and new dynamic classification capabilities. RetrievalWare will also allow FBI agents to search authorized information in other agency databases, in addition to the FBI's own data repository.  

The new Intelligence Data Warehouse system is intended to provide a Web-based, collaborative environment for hundreds of agents who will eventually analyze over one billion text, video, audio, and image files. Using RetrievalWare, agents can compare and contrast relevant information and find missing links by securely accessing the Agency's Investigative Data Warehouse.  


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