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Geting the Best Out of Your Enterprise Search Investment
Join us in London this October for plenary sessions and parallel tracks on Tools and Techniques and Making Search Work, plus networking, social events and the chance to meet some of key enterprise search solutions providers.For anyone struggling with the challenges of implementing enterprise search, Enterprise Search Europe is a unique opportunity to share experiences, learn about emerging technologies, and find solutions.
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Posted 15 Aug 2011
Enterprise Search in Europe - A Brief History
After many successful Enterprise Search Summit events in the U.S., Information Today, Inc. (EContent's parent company) is launching Enterprise Search Europe in London. Conference Chair Martin White calls the event noteworthy, because in a world where "search" and "Google" are synonymous, he says, it is important to realize the scale of information retrieval research and of the enterprise search business in Europe.
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Posted 01 Aug 2011
Looking for Thought Leaders on Enterprise Search
This month, we have two opportunities for you to get your thoughts about enterprise search on the table, two opportunities to present your winning approach, successful case study, or implementation strategy to peers and colleagues. Submit your proposal today for our Enterprise Search Summit sessions this fall in London and Washington, D.C.
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Posted 11 Apr 2011
Search evolves to solve business problems
Search solutions have been a mainstay of knowledge management since document management software first entered the scene. During the last decade, the emphasis has shifted from using keywords to find a particular document or list of documents, to solving business problems and answering questions...
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Posted 01 Apr 2011
SEARCH Roundup
Looking for a search vendor? Dozens to choose from. Here's a sampling, with hotlinks, from the editors of KMWorld magazine.
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Posted 01 Apr 2011
Avi Rappoport, Andy Moore to Lead Enterprise Search Summit Programming
Information Today, Inc. has announced that search consultant Avi Rappoport (www.searchtools.com) will be heading up the program planning for Enterprise Search Summit Fall, Nov. 1-3, 2011 in Washington, DC. KMWorld Publisher Andy Moore will also be assisting with program development. A call for papers has been issued. For more details, visithttp://www.enterprisesearchsummit.com/fall2011/.
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Posted 25 Mar 2011
Enteprise Search Summit Issues Call for Speakers
The Enterprise Search Summit Spring 2011, which will be held May 10-11 in New York -- with pre-conference workshops on May 9 -- is now accepting speaker proposals. This year's Summit will examine ways to leverage search tools, information architecture, classification, and other strategies and technologies to help employees work smarter through the deployment of intelligent search solutions.
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Posted 08 Nov 2010
Trend Setting Search Products
Check out KMWorld's Trend-Setting Products review section in this month's issue.
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Posted 15 Sep 2010
Emerging Web Standards: Keeping Up to Stay Ahead
Twenty years ago when the web was young, the topic of standards was mainly the purview of computer scientists, engineers, and enterprise technologists. But these days, with the impact of standards on everything from how content displays in various browsers and delivery on emergent devices to cost savings and search engine optimization (SEO), web standards have become everyone's business. Analysis by Nancy Davis Kho.
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Posted 06 Sep 2010
How Secure Is Your Search?
A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers report titled "Trial by Fire," found that in a global survey of 7,200 senior managers responsible for information security, not one reference to the problems arising from search security are to be found. Securing search should be a key concern in search implementations, however.
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Posted 21 Jul 2010
Google Search 2010: A mid-year report card
Search expert Stephen E. Arnold says Google has some work to do in making its wealth of products, services and resources more easily findable. In the meantime, buckle down and explore Google.
The payoff makes the effort worthwhile in many situations...
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Posted 03 Jul 2010
Google Moves Left to Navigational Search Facets
Google has rolled out a major set of changes to search engine results pages and several smaller changes to its appearance. Left-hand navigational search facets are now turned on by default. Read the analysis by search engine expert Greg Notess, courtesy of ITI NewsBreaks.
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Posted 26 May 2010
Faceted Misguidance
Martin White: "There are not many things in life that get under my skin. Currently, third on the list is poorly implemented faceted navigation. It is fast becoming the fix-all for search applications where users do more than skim the first 10 results from a list of 50,000."
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Posted 10 May 2010
Enterprise Search or Content Management?
Avi Rappoport: "Over the years I've been part of many enterprise content management initiatives. I've seen each repository grow, usually isolated from the others. The result is often an ecosystem of different, disconnected enterprise knowledge assets. An emerging cross-vendor standard called content management interoperability services (CMIS) offers to connect some of those repository dots."
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Posted 07 May 2010
PROJECT LEFTY: More Bang for the Search Query
The Federated Search Blog held its second annual writing contest to increase awareness of and interest in federated search. And (drum roll) the winner is . . . Kan Varnum (University of Michigan) who proposes a system that would improve relevance of search results based on known information about a searcher and his or her past search behavior. Read the winning entry here.
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Posted 12 Apr 2010
At the Cutting Edge of Search
Program Chair Marydee Ojala discusses the line-up of topics and speakers at the 15th annual Search Engine Meeting next month in Boston.
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Posted 31 Mar 2010
Google Gets Stung by Its Own Buzz
The week of Feb. 9, 2010, may go down as one of the worst in Google's corporate history in terms of product launches and public reaction. On that day, Google Buzz (http://buzz.google.com) invaded every Gmail account holders' workspace through an auto-setup, opt-out routine. Other than widespread rumors of an announcement the day before, Gmail users had no warning that potentially highly personal information would suddenly be shared with their most-used contacts (email addresses) through cloud computing technology. Over the ensuing 7 days, Google weathered an angry online swarm of complaints that it had failed to account for personal privacy requirements. Read the story from ITI NewsBreaks.
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Posted 03 Mar 2010
Good Search Is Good Business
The importance of providing effective search is being recognized at last. Almost every intranet strategy project has had a substantial search element to it, and I've worked on several in which search has been the primary focus. There are always risks when extrapolating from a few projects and a few more conversations, but I see some trends emerging.
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Posted 22 Dec 2009
Searching for Social at Enterprise Search Summit West
This year's Enterprise Search Summit West was a bit different than previous years; aligned closely with the co-located KMWorld program, the more streamlined conference allowed search-focused attendees to take full advantage of the three day event or to maximize their knowledge seeking across the larger KMWorld conference. Held November 17-19 in San Jose, Calif., the summit covered everything from federated and semantic search, to the topic people just can't seem to stop talking about: social search.
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Posted 09 Dec 2009
E-discovery in a challenging economy
Recent surveys confirm casual observation that lawsuits are a large and growing part of the U.S. economy. A variety of surveys indicate that anywhere from half to nearly 90 percent of businesses, depending on the size and field, were faced with at least one in the past year. Yet many organizations remain completely unprepared. See what columnist Judith Lamont has to advise in this recent article from KMWorld magazine.
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Posted 28 Oct 2009
The future of knowledge workers, Part 2
This is the second half of a two-part article, originally appearing in our KMWorld magazine, that explores the findings of a recent study on the future of the knowledge worker. The purpose of the research was to look at longer-term trends in how organizations will likely try to provide a compelling work environment that attracts, retains and leverages the best of the knowledge workers of the future. There are,Rolex Replica Watches of course, serious implications for search.
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Posted 30 Sep 2009
Helping them Redisover Web Assets with iCyte
Even in a world of high-powered search tools, re-finding exactly what you've already discovered on the web can be challenging. Bookmarks sound so old hat. But what if they functioned like archives? Norman Schreiber shares his insights on iCyte in this product review of a tool that can take you back to the site you first saw.
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Posted 29 Sep 2009
Podcast: Charlene Li on Social Media, Social Search, and Open Leadership
EContent editor Michelle Manafy interviews Charlene Li, co-author of Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. They discuss leveraging social strategies in and outside organizations--and for search in particular. They also talk about Li's forthcoming book on Open Leadership and how understanding how open your organization should be (and achieving the right degree of openness) will determine its chances for success in the future.
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Posted 09 Sep 2009
Searching for Better Knowledge Sharing
As a cross-regional healthcare operator, the Asklepios Group can sometimes struggle to share its knowledge across a variety of locations. In all its clinics, the quality of patient care depends on its employees' knowledge and experience. Learn how they found a solution in this case study from the 2009 Enterprise Search Sourcebook.
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Posted 05 Aug 2009
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